kemudian merenung.... apaan sih tiba-tiba nulis kayak gini? just share aja, ketika kita membutuhkan seseorang dan ga ada lagi orang lain yang bantuin kita, lalu yang kita inget pertama pasti sahabat ato temen deket kita, iya gak sih? i'd just like to say, How everyday You guys make life rock. I depend on you, For your support And what do you know You were always there When I needed you And in return I'd like to say, Thank you for everything I wouldn't be here without you Thank you, I love you all Each one another I just wanna say Thank you Thank you all... I can't believe that you all Helped me come this far I think thats, The greatest thing ever I couldn't ask for more and I appreciate it Cause I found a boy who I love more, Than I ever did you before.